Raise Your Vibe Blog

Happy Fall Vibe Tribe!
The air is getting crisp and the leaves are starting to change color and I love it so much! And even though some days are peaceful there are also some...
Happy Fall Vibe Tribe!
The air is getting crisp and the leaves are starting to change color and I love it so much! And even though some days are peaceful there are also some...

September eleVIBE Necklace!
What happened to the time?? Did someone push the fast forward button? Summer has officially come to an end and our long sun filled days are getting shorter and the...
September eleVIBE Necklace!
What happened to the time?? Did someone push the fast forward button? Summer has officially come to an end and our long sun filled days are getting shorter and the...

Peace + Joy + Blue Lace!
How many of you also find that when you have lots of clutter around its harder to focus and feel like the craziness spreads to how you feel inside?I know...
Peace + Joy + Blue Lace!
How many of you also find that when you have lots of clutter around its harder to focus and feel like the craziness spreads to how you feel inside?I know...

Have your heard about the amazing benefits of S...
The Shungite mineral is one the most powerful vibrations for protection + grounding + purifying + and cleansing. It is most known for it’s electricity conducting properties that aid in...
Have your heard about the amazing benefits of S...
The Shungite mineral is one the most powerful vibrations for protection + grounding + purifying + and cleansing. It is most known for it’s electricity conducting properties that aid in...

NEW Confidence Booster Necklace!
Happy summer, VIBE TRIBE!Introducing the Confidence Booster Necklace! Each of us are just as unique, beautiful, valuable, strong, and powerful as the amazing gemstones in this neckless!Confidence is standing tall in your purpose, believing in yourself and...
NEW Confidence Booster Necklace!
Happy summer, VIBE TRIBE!Introducing the Confidence Booster Necklace! Each of us are just as unique, beautiful, valuable, strong, and powerful as the amazing gemstones in this neckless!Confidence is standing tall in your purpose, believing in yourself and...

Happy Summer Vibe tribe!!
Happy Summer Vibe tribe!!I hope summer is treating you well and you are getting a chance to connect with your loved ones, reflect on your life and now renew and...
Happy Summer Vibe tribe!!
Happy Summer Vibe tribe!!I hope summer is treating you well and you are getting a chance to connect with your loved ones, reflect on your life and now renew and...