Crystal Shop

Gems A-L


Inner + Voice Peace + Wisdom

Abalone is an extremely durable shell that carries the vibrations of protection and emotional balance. It acts as an energetic shield reflecting off negativity and reflecting in a flow of peace and tranquillity. Listen to what abalone is teaching you as it is known as the "ears of the sea." Allow this beautiful shell to connect you with your inner-voice and listen to what you may ve learning about your true identity. 

African Opal Jasper

Courage + Self-Reliance + Hope

African Opal Jasper is known as the supreme nurturer. It calms & soothes the mind helping one find inner peace, clarity & love. It helps you to think clearly & increases perception. It encourages self-expression & the communication of ideas. African Opal Provides hope & courage when times of despair is present, it brings hope & trust in the grand universe. African Opal is known to bring peace to the heart & renewed energy to the soul.


Self love + Expression + Serenity

Amazonite is a stone of expression + serenity + self-love. Wearing Ammonite reminds us to communicate with love to ourselves & others. It encourages one to seek to discover ones own truths, gifts & integrity. Amazonite is a very calming stone. It's subtle waves of sable-green tones encourage us to have more harmony, serenity & peace.


Awaken + Enlighten + Guardian

Amethyst is a stone of royalty + protection. Amethyst has been one of the world's most revered stones for many centuries. It was worn by royalty for not only it's beauty but also for it's protective qualities. Wearing amethyst reminds us to increase awareness + stimulate the mind to think clearly + become focused + enhance memory + calm the mind + improve motivation.


Angles + Guidance + Faith

Angelite is known as the stone of peace. It raises your vibration and awareness to the spiritual realm. It is known to facilitate communication with your angels and your higher-self. Angelite has the unique ability to heighten your perception therefor making it a powerful stone for healers. A peaceful gemstone to dispels fear and anxiety and converting it to increased faith and peace.


Apatite is known as a stone of manifestation + creativity. Wearing apatite gets those wheels turning to spark ideas + make those ideas a reality. Wearing apatite reminds us to stay motivated with living a healthy lifestyle. It is said. to enhance focus + communication + self-expression on all levels.


Cleansing + Peace + Inner-Power

Aquamarine is a stone of tranquility, showing you how to go with the flow + not fight the current. Wearing aquamarine enhances a sense of courage, self-love + inner-peace + confidence. Aquamarine encourages clear + heartfelt communication & evokes the relaxation + purity of the sea.


Good luck + Love + Prosperity

Aventurine is known as a gemstone of opportunity + is also known as one of the luckiest gemstones around. Wearing aventurine reminds you to be positive + optimistic is the things that you try to accomplish. it is a strong leadership stone helping to reinforce qualities such as honesty + integrity + commitment + passion. As you work with aventurine set aside some time for gratitude & goal setting.


Wisdom + Cleansing + Empowerment

this particular Azurite is a mixed stone of Lapis, Malachite, Chrysocolla. A powerful stone for cleansing away confusion in life and bringing more direction and clarity. Waring this gemstone may inspire and motivate personal ambitions + inspire creativity + and greater success in life and business!

Black Obsidian

Purification + Transformation + Manifestation

Black Obsidian is a very protective stone that provides support during times of change. It is known as a powerful emotional teacher promoting awareness of emotional imbalances and/or behavioral patterns or addictions that you are ready to heal and let go of. Wearing Black Obsidian helps you ground and feel more connected and balanced with the earth.

Black Tourmaline

Vitality + Stability + Protection

Black Tourmaline is said to be a stone of purification. It may give the water an increase of positive attitude + physical vitality + strength + stamina + balanced feeling. Wearing Black Tourmaline is like having your own personal body guard aka energy cleanser. It is one of the most powerful gemstones to absorb electromagnetic radiation which makes it an excellent stone for wearing around computers or other electronics.


Courage + Wisdom + Purification

Bloodstone is the stone of courage + wisdom. It is a very grounding & protective stone that helps you to center your life around the most important things such as love + relationships + friendships. Wearing Bloodstone reminds you to be courageous + increase selflessness + loyalty.

Blue Lace Agate

Soothing + Hope + Confidence

Blue Lace Agate is a stone of encouragement & support. It's soft, flowy, elegant bands remind us to create a peaceful flow of energy in our lives. It is a communication stone reminding us to have the confidence to share our truth + express ourselves in a poise manner. It is a great stone to wear during pregnancy + bring joy to a new mother helping was away the "baby blues."


Courage + Self-Conficence + Grounding

Bronzite is a stone of courage. it is a protective warrior stone to help boost your self-confidence and infuse you with the courage to take action & follow through & get your todo list done! Bronzite is a grounding stone that will encourage one to feel more aligned and centered helping you think more clearly to make those big decisions.

Brandy Opal

Passion + Creativity + Imagination

Opals promote a sense of security and centers and soothes the emotional body. It is also a stone of love and passion and can be used to increase intimacy, desire, and release inhibitions with ones partner. Opals work to strengthen the emotional body and promote self-examination for those willing to look honestly at ones true self.

Botswana Agate

Optimism + Comfort + Grace

Pink Botswana Agate is known as "the sunset" stone. It's beautiful pink & gray hues make the most majestic designs. Pink Botswana Agate has soothing + calming vibes to help ease you through any transitions with grace & optimistic attitude. It is comforting + Protective + soothing to those who are lonely, easily hurt or grieving a loss.

Bumblebee Jasper

High-energy + Positivity + Purpose

Bumblebee Jasper is such a fun stone! Think high-energy, buzzing through your day with purpose. This fabulous stone helps you to maintain a positive up-beat out look on life, while encouraging you to continue your own spiritual progression. Bumblebee Jasper brings the vibes to promote happiness and joy, honesty, and fulfilling your dreams! 


Motivation + Creativity + Courage

Carnelian is a stone of courage. Wearing this vibrant gemstone reminds us to have the confidence to take bold action! It restores vitality + motivation +stimulates creativity + passion. It promotes courage + positive life choices + motivates for success in relationships & business. The orange tones of Carnelian brings warmth + friendship + pleasure + family togethernesss.


Alignment + Hope + Optimism

Celestite is known as the stone of heavenly communication. It inspires one to be still, connect to heaven for your higher purpose and receive the calm, restorative vibes it offers. Celestite brings balance and alignment + hope and optimism to your personal + professional life! It assists you in opening up to new ideas + dreams + and visions.


Unconditional Love + Transform + Cleanse

Charoite is a stone of transformation. It is known for promoting one to look at their full potential + encourage a service oriented mindset. it connects the head + the heart. Wearing Charoite may spark your desire to be fearless + be open to positive life changes + to love unconditionally + awaken imagination to get the creative juices flowing!

Cherry Blossom Agate

Self-Growth + Motivation + Passion

Cherry Blossom Agates have a very feminine and stabilizing vibe. It is a comforting stone letting you know that everything will be ok & encourages you grow through what you go through. Cherry Blossom Agate caries protective vibes to help carry you through times of fear carry you through times of fear + self-doubt + reminds you to grow personally + professionally to your fullest potential.


Peace + Wisdom + Self-Love

Chrysocolla is a stone of communication. It is a peaceful stone that reminds us to use our words to build + uplift those around us. It helps us to enable the truth to be heard & expressed. Chrysocolla is a heart repairing stone that allows you to begin mastering the art of forgiveness + unconditional love. Chrysocolla enhances personal power + inspires Creativity + success in business!


New love + Positivity + Optimism

Chrysoprase is a stone of positivity + abundance + love. It is a gemstone to attract new loves in all aspects of your life. This amazing beautiful bright green 'gem of the heart' reminds us to be quick to forgive + bring poise inner growth + encourages miricles in your life. Chrysoprase is a gemstone to remind you to always look on the bright side even during cloudy weather.


Uplift + Abundance + Joy

Citrine is a stone of abundance. Wearing Citrine Reminds us to seek good & uplifting things that will lift self-esteem + increase self-conficence + self-expression. It represents success + abundance + encourages sharing your good fortune with others. Wearing Citringe reminds us to seek more joy & happiness in our lives!


Moonstone + Smokey Quartz

Feldspar is a stone of creativity and assists us in uncovering and developing new and insightful ways to manifest abundance and achieve our goals through creative thought and awareness. Feldspar enhances self-worth, self-respect, self-esteem and self-awareness. This stone is known to align all seven Chakras of the body and is associated with the inventive nature of Aquarius.

Fire Agate

Action + Courage + Confidence

Fire Agate is a stone to help one take action in many areas of life. Whether is be physical + mental + emotional + spiritual it can help bring the passion + courage + confidence to improve in each area. Fire Agates have a deep grounding connecting energy to the earth. it is said to bring extra feelings of calmness + security + trust + support during difficult times.


Positivity + Truth + Intellect

Fluorite is known as the "genius stone,' representing the highest state of mental achievement. It is known for helping one to focus + absorb information + make clear decisions + help one to discern truth. Wearing Fluorite supports spirituality + thought, focus + concentration + balance to all aspects of ones life

Fossil Coral

Magnify + Connect + Transform

Agatized Fossil Coral is an amazing stone of transformation. As the coral fossilized, quartz then replaced the organic material bringing it's own unique vibrations to the stone. Fossil Coral is a very loving gemstone that reminds you to be more aware of your common connections + the power love has to create change. Fossil Coral may assist you in achieving excellence in your personal & professional life.


Regeneration + Prosperity + Good Health

Garnet is a powerful stone of prosperity, abundance, joy and even good health. Wearing this stone may even attract other friends and family that have a more poise energy and outlook on life! Wearing Garnet is a great reminder to take care of yourself by creating better health in your life. A very liberating and restorative gemstone to manifest a rebirth, growth , creative and lucrative business endeavors and loving relationships!


Focus + Willpower + Stability

Hematite is a very grounding and protective stone. It strengthens your connection with the earth helping you feel more safe and secure. It is a great stone to stimulate the mind and enhance better memory recall and retention. Hematite not only dispels negativity from you it also helps you from absorbing it from other people.


Calming + Knowledge + Memory

Howlite is a beautiful white stone that represents the spiritual qualities of gentleness, stillness, and openmindedness. Howlite brings vibrations of peace, clarity, and focus to the mind, clearing out negative thoughts that are holding back progression. It's dark striking lines provide the soul and spirit the energy to take the action needed to continue the positive transformation you are seeking.


Inner-Vision + Confidence + Leadership

Iolite is a vision stone. It carries beautiful violet-blue energy that activates and clears the third eye allowing vision, communication and strengthens intuition. Helps you to express your true-self, free from the expectations of others. Iolite releases discord within relationships. It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming codependency within your partnership.


Serenity + Purity + Wisdom

Jade is known as a "growth" stone. It is a gemstone to remind you how amazing you are & helping you to reach your highest potential. It is also a stone of renewal, a symbol of serenity + purity + great wisdom. it is said to increase love & nurturing. Jade is a protective stone. It also is said to attract good luck & friendship. Jade brings insightful dreams and is known as a "dream stone, " Reminding you that your dreams can become your reality.


Nurturing + Relaxation + Tranquility

Jasper is known as the "supreme nurturer" Bringing support + comfort + tranquility. Jasper helps to align & bring a felling of balance to the soul. Wearing Jasper reminds us to be content & grounded in truth. Jasper also promotes quick thinking + problem solving + organization + courage + strength!


Love + Communication + Peace

Kunzite is known as the stone of emotional balance as it brings a special connection to the heart & mind. Wearing Kunzite reminds you to create loving thoughts and communication with others as it promotes unconditional love and positivity. Kunzite encourages you to release walls built around the heart for protection and to be open to experience abundant love and peace.


Alignment + Balance + Inner-Truth

Kyanite known as a stone of alignment & balance. Best known for it's ability to help us feel more aligned throughout all of the bodies energy centers. Kyanite is known to promote the ability to speak more easily & express oneself more clearly. Kyanite is known to induce tranquility + serenity, as well as enhancing inner-truth + communication.


Intuition + Clarity + Success

As a Gemstone of clarity, labradorite assists in revealing intentions behind our actions & connects logic with intuition. Wearing Labradorite Reminds us to be more aligned with our higher purpose. Labradorite promotes imagination + creativity + strengthens self- belief + increases willpower. Labradorite deflects negativity & helps us to bring more light & success & positivity into our lives!


Truth + Imagination + Cheer

Lapis is a stone of truth and communication. Wearing Lapis reminds us of the power of the spoken + written word. It encourages honesty & stimulates desire for knowledge + truth + understanding. Lapis is an excellent stone for enhancing the memory + imagination + clearer thinking. it is also known to be a stone of friendship bringing greater harmony + cheer to relationships.


Dream + Creativity + Grounding

Lava stone, also known as lava rock is an igneous volcanic rock. It has solidified from molten lava, after conditions of intense heat & pressure. It is a very grounding stone that strengthens ones connection with Mother Earth. Lava rock gives us strength + courage assisting us through times of change. Lava stone is a wonderful aroma therapy essential oil diffuser. Simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil + enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.

Lemon Quartz

Confidence + Prosperity + Focus

lemon Quartz is a stone of prosperity. It reminds us of our blessings + good fortune. Lemon Quartz helps one to maintain focus on their goals + to overcome obstacles that may get in their way. It is a confidence stone, helping one to make decisions with boldness + spunk + faith in oneself!